Theo-Drama: Theological Dramatic Theory: The Last ACT
This is the final volume of this series on “theological dramatic theory” by the great 20th century theologian Balthasar. This series is the second part of Balthasar’s trilogy on the good, the beautiful and the true which is his major work. The first series in the trilogy is The Glory of the Lord, and following this Theo-Drama series will be Theo-Logic.
In this series “the good” has been the focus. Balthasar maintains that it is in the theater that man attempts a kind of transcendence to observe and to judge his own truth about himself. He sees the phenomenon of theater as a source of fruitfulness for theological reflection on the cosmic drama that involves earth and heaven. This fifth volume is trinitarian, focusing on the mystery of God. He draws heavily on Scripture and many passages from the works of the mystic Adrienne von Spyer. Some of the topics covered include “A Christian Eschotology,” “The World is from the Trinity,” “Earth moves Heavenward,” “The Final Act: A Trinitarian Drama.”