Catholic Baby’s First Bible-Nab
A Catholic Baby’s First Bible edited by Ruth Hannon and Rev. Victor Hoagland, C.P. is a wonderful collection of Bible stories for young Catholic children. Set in large easy-to-read type, children will learn about key stories from the Bible that are enhanced with beautiful artwork in this fine publication. This title provides summaries of 37 important stories from the Bible, 18 stories from the Old Testament and 19 stories from the New Testament. This book makes an excellent gift for a newborn or a Baptism and is a valuable resource for teaching children about the Word of God. Children will treasure this title as a keepsake for many years to come.
Among the features of this book are:
- presentation page
- record pages that can be completed including
- My Birth
- My Baptism
- My Early Development
- My Favorite Things
- Memorable Firsts
- Sacraments I Received
- Personal Record
- Family Record
- magnificent, vibrant full-color illustrations
- durable sewn hardcover binding
- references to the Scriptural books, chapters, and verses for the included stories
- attractive gift packaging that includes a fiberboard tray, a clear lid, and a white ribbon
- gold gilding on the page edges
- gold foil on the padded cover
The following Old Testament topics and figures are covered in this title:
- God Made the World
- Adam and Eve
- Noah’s Ark
- God Calls Abram
- Jacob’s Vision
- Joseph and His Brothers
- Joseph in Egypt
- Joseph Saves His Family
- The Baby Moses
- The Burning Bush
- Moses and Aaron See Pharaoh
- Across the Red Sea
- The Commandments
- The Golden Calf
- The Walls of Jericho
- Young David
- David and Goliath
- Elijah Is Fed by an Angel
The following New Testament topics and figures are covered in this title:
- An Angels Speaks to Mary
- Jesus Is Born
- The Child Jesus in the Temple
- The First Apostles
- A Marriage at Cana
- Jesus Speaks to the People
- A Storm on the Lake
- Jesus Feeds the People
- The Loving Father
- The Story of Zacchaeus
- Jesus Cures a Blind Man
- The Raising of Lazarus
- Jesus Enters Jerusalem
- The Last Supper
- Jesus Is Put to Death
- The First Easter
- The Apostles See the Risen Jesus
- The Ascension
- The Coming of the Holy Spirit
We invite you to view other Children’s Bibles here: https: //