If You Can Get It
Jen Nilsson has an MBA, a nice condo, and a fast-track job at a tech startup in Silicon Valley. If her big product launch goes well next month, she may finally land the marketing director job she’s been gunning for. But then her younger sister, Katie, just out of college and fresh off a fight with their newly religious parents back home in the Midwest, blows through the front door, dumping cardboard boxes and a lifetime of personal drama onto Jen’s waxed floor.
Family is family, so Jen lets her sister, the embodiment of all that frustrates her, stay. Maybe she’ll turn messy, aimless Katie into a model adult. But when Jen’s own well-laid career plans hurtle off the tracks–a corporate buyout, a layoff, and a hilariously disastrous business trip to China–she is forced more and more to turn to Katie for support and to reassess the place of family, and love, in her life.
If You Can Get It explores the quirks and humanity of the twenty-first-century business world, but finds its heart in the deepening relationship of two sisters as different as Elinor and Marianne of Sense & Sensibility.