Just Like a Hen Correspondence Cards
“Just Like a Hen” Cards with Matching Envelopes. The cards and envelopes are made from 100% recycled paper. Single Card Dimensions: 4.5 X 6. A Full of Grace USA Original Product.
The image was created in 1950, by Mother Margaret Mary Nealis R.S.C.J. (1876- 1957). Called “Quemadmodum Gallina” latin for Just Like a Hen, the painting shows Christ as a young boy gently handing a baby chick back to the Mother Hen. Mother Nealis did this painting late in her life. She chose to paint a bible verse next to the title, which was highly unusual in her paintings:
The back of the card features artist attribution as well as the noted bible verse from the front image:
The Gospel of Matthew 23:37 – The Lament over Jerusalem. “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how many times I yearned to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her young under her wings, but you were unwilling!” (verse is printed on the back cover of the card).
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