My Bible: God’s Word for Me
My Bible: God’s Word for Me
Every time you read the Scriptures you meet God. Discover how God has spoken and continues to speak through the Holy Scriptures. This warmly-illustrated collection of Bible stories brings the Scriptures to life and helps instill in children a love for God’s word. It takes the child through the 31 Old Testament stories of Noah and the flood, the parting of the Red Sea, Joseph and the coat of many colors, the first Passover, David and Goliath, and more. The 36 New Testament stories lead the children deeper into their faith with the visitation of the angel to Mary, Jesus walking on the water, the Sermon on the Mount, Thomas’ doubts, the Last Supper, Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection, the excitement on the road to Emmaus… Each story engages the child in both reading and praying with scripture. Includes a section with some of the most beloved Catholic prayers, including the Rosary