Sanctify Your Soul: Meditations to Guide Your Journey to Holiness
To guide you through the common challenges to sanctity, renowned author Fr. Leo Trese offers here twenty-four inspiring reflections to help you conquer temptations and remain on the steep and narrow road to Heaven.
Principally, you will learn how to overcome a divided heart so you can go “all in” in the spiritual life. From there, you’ll discover how to order your affections properly and how to find the right balance for recreation. You’ll also learn how to assess your talents and limitations so you can achieve the preeminent goal of becoming precisely who God created and called you to be.
Fr. Trese shares simple yet powerful ways for you to grow in love for God amid the bustle of life and despite the pull of myriad responsibilities. He shows you how to find peaceful tranquility in prayer and reveals the two most powerful ways you can be imbued with God’s mercy and see Christ in others.