The Consuming Fire: A Christian Guide to the Old Testament
“The Old Testament is a millennium-long conversation between YHWH God and his people. Many voicessome even expressing marked differences of opinioncommunicate God’s revelation in history and the faith community’s response to it.” – From the IntroductionÂ
Join the conversation in this newly updated book from a Scripture scholar who deals with the Bible’s complexities in clear, readable prose. The Consuming Fire will equip you to become an informed reader of the Bible, able to discern the unique contribution of each of the Old Testament’s books to the dialogue.
Chapters open with thoughtful reflections on issues of faith and life
Six-step analysis gives you immediate and guided access to the biblical text
Informative charts, maps, and bibliographies enrich the learning experience
Michael Duggan has thoroughly revised this edition of The Consuming Fire, rewriting many chapters to reflect the best in contemporary scholarship, the direction of current Vatican documents, and respect for the Jewish heritage of the Bible. Each chapter includes “Meditative Reading,” a feature that provides selected texts and questions to aid readers in prayerful reflection.
“The Consuming Fire by Michael W. Duggan is an excellent overview of the Old Testament, emphasizing particularly the theological message of each book and providing a forward look to the New Testament at the end of each section.”
George T. Montague, S.M., Professor of Theology, St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas