The Nuptial Mystery
The idea of love pervades our society, yet it is nearly impossible to answer the question “What is love?” especially as we witness the divorce of love from sexuality and of sexuality from procreation. Aware that many people today are skeptical about marriage, Angelo Cardinal Scola nevertheless suggests that only in the category of “nuptial mystery” do we find a way to adequately describe the phenomenon of love
A bright new leader in the Catholic Church, Cardinal Scola argues that the male-female relationship lies near the heart of what it means to bear the image of God. Scola’s book explores the essential sexual differences that both separate and unite men and women, and it shows how men and women can realize their purpose in marriage or celibacy.
Conversant with papal teaching and Catholic writers from Aquinas to von Balthasar, Cardinal Scola writes with a deep regard for marriage and the family. His “Nuptial Mystery” will leave readers with a thoroughly Christian appreciation for incarnate love.