Medjugorje The Message
The original and bestselling story of the miracles and message of Medjugorje, the little town in the hills of the former Yugoslavia that has become a global phenomenon. Journalist Wayne Weible tells how his life was forever changed by what he experienced there. Â
Since June 1981, in the unlikely little village of Medjugorje, the Blessed Virgin Mary has appeared daily to six young people who live in the valley that lies in the shadow of Mount Krizevac — Cross Mountain. According to these youths, the mother of Jesus is bringing an urgent plea from her Son to all mankind to turn away from a world terminally ill with the disease of sin and reconcile with Him.
On October 27, 1985, Wayne Weible, a Protestant newspaper publisher and columnist, first learned of the phenomenon occurring in the little town with the unpronounceable name in Bosnia. Sensing that there might be material for his column, he decided to pursue the story. More than fifteen million copies of those columns were distributed, so he decided to write this book chronicling the story of Medjugorje.
With refreshing candor and self-deprecating humor, Wayne Weible takes readers with him on the adventure to Medjugorje that radically and permanently changed his life. You will discover the apparitions of the Blessed Mother along with him, as he chronicles the ways that the Virgin Mary continues to speak to the world today from Medjugorje. This book continues as the bestseller on Medjugorje in the English language, with over 500,000 copies sold.
Millions continue to come to the tiny village of Medjugorje to hear this covenant renewed by Mary’s message from her Son. I was one of them. I wrote this book as the personal witness of one spiritually hungry soul who found peace and love in that message by way of the cross on Krizevac. – Wayne Weible